Festival de Comunidades Extranjeras

Festival de Comunidades Extranjeras

The Festival de Comunidades Extranjeras is an annual event held in Mexico City to celebrate the diversity of the city’s foreign communities. The festival features music, dance, food, and cultural performances from around the world.

The festival was first held in 2003 and has grown in popularity each year. In 2019, the festival attracted over 100,000 people.

The festival is organized by the Mexico City government and the city’s foreign community councils. The festival is free to attend and open to the public.

The festival is a great opportunity to experience the diversity of Mexico City’s foreign communities. The festival offers a chance to learn about other cultures, try new foods, and enjoy live music and dance.


The Festival de Comunidades Extranjeras was first held in 2003 as part of the Mexico City government’s efforts to promote cultural diversity and inclusion. The festival was initially held in the Zócalo, the city’s main square, but has since been moved to the Bosque de Chapultepec, a large park in the city center.

The festival has grown in popularity each year, and now attracts over 100,000 people. The festival has become a major cultural event in Mexico City, and is a testament to the city’s diversity.


The Festival de Comunidades Extranjeras features a wide variety of events, including:

* Music: The festival features live music from around the world, including traditional, folk, and contemporary music.
* Dance: The festival features dance performances from around the world, including traditional, folk, and contemporary dance.
* Food: The festival features food from around the world, including traditional dishes, street food, and desserts.
* Cultural performances: The festival features cultural performances from around the world, including traditional ceremonies, martial arts demonstrations, and fashion shows.


The Festival de Comunidades Extranjeras has a positive impact on Mexico City’s foreign communities. The festival provides a platform for foreign communities to share their cultures with the wider community. The festival also helps to promote understanding and respect between different cultures.

The festival has also had a positive economic impact on Mexico City. The festival attracts tourists from around the world, and helps to generate revenue for local businesses.


The Festival de Comunidades Extranjeras is a vibrant and diverse celebration of Mexico City’s foreign communities. The festival offers a chance to experience the world in one place, and is a testament to the city’s cultural diversity.