Festival del Queso Rodante

Festival del Queso Rodante


The Festival del Queso Rodante, or Cheese Rolling Festival, is a traditional event held annually in the town of Brockworth, Gloucestershire, England. The festival is believed to date back to the 14th century, and involves participants chasing a large wheel of cheese down a steep hill. The first person to catch the cheese wins it, along with a year’s supply of cheese.


The origins of the Cheese Rolling Festival are unclear, but it is believed to date back to the 14th century. One theory suggests that the festival began as a way to celebrate the victory of the local lord over a rival lord. Another theory suggests that the festival was originally a pagan ritual to ensure a good harvest.

Whatever its origins, the Cheese Rolling Festival has become a popular tradition in Brockworth. The festival is held annually on the last Monday of May, and attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.

Cheese Rolling

The main event of the Cheese Rolling Festival is the cheese rolling race. The race takes place on Cooper’s Hill, a steep hill in the town of Brockworth. A large wheel of cheese, weighing approximately 7 pounds (3.2 kilograms), is rolled down the hill, and participants chase after it. The first person to catch the cheese wins it, along with a year’s supply of cheese.

The cheese rolling race is a dangerous event. The hill is steep and slippery, and participants often fall and injure themselves. In 2010, a man died after falling headfirst into a ditch during the race.

Despite the dangers, the cheese rolling race remains a popular event. Participants come from all over the world to compete for the cheese and the bragging rights that come with it.

Other Events

In addition to the cheese rolling race, the Cheese Rolling Festival also features a number of other events, including:

* A cheese fair, where visitors can sample and buy a variety of cheeses
* A craft fair, where visitors can buy handmade crafts
* A food festival, where visitors can enjoy a variety of food and drink
* Live music and entertainment


The Festival del Queso Rodante is a unique and exciting event that celebrates the traditions of Gloucestershire. The cheese rolling race is a dangerous but exhilarating event, and the festival as a whole is a great opportunity to enjoy the local culture and cuisine.