## Festival Encabritados: A Guide to Madrid’s Most Thrilling Bullfighting Event

Held every year in mid-September, the Festival Encabritados is one of the most popular bullfighting events in Madrid. The festival features a series of bullfights, in which some of the most skilled bullfighters in the world compete for the coveted “Puerta Grande” award.

The Festival Encabritados was first held in 1943, and has since become a major event on the Madrid social calendar. The festival is held in the Las Ventas bullring, which is the largest bullring in Spain. The bullring has a capacity of over 23,000 spectators, and is always packed for the Festival Encabritados.

The Festival Encabritados is a unique event that offers a thrilling and unforgettable experience for spectators. The bullfights are intense and exciting, and the atmosphere in the bullring is electric. If you are planning a trip to Madrid, be sure to include the Festival Encabritados on your itinerary.

### The Bulls

The bulls used in the Festival Encabritados are all specially bred for bullfighting. They are large, powerful animals that can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. The bulls are typically between 4 and 6 years old, and have been trained to charge at the matador with ferocity.

The bulls are selected for the Festival Encabritados based on their size, strength, and temperament. The bulls must be able to put up a good fight, and must be aggressive enough to attack the matador.

### The Matadors

The matadors who compete in the Festival Encabritados are some of the most skilled bullfighters in the world. They have years of experience, and are able to control the bull’s movements with grace and precision.

The matadors use a variety of techniques to subdue the bull. They may use a cape to distract the bull, or a sword to kill it. The matador’s goal is to kill the bull in a quick and painless manner.

### The Fights

The bullfights in the Festival Encabritados are divided into three stages. The first stage is called the “tercio de varas,” and involves the matador on horseback using a lance to weaken the bull. The second stage is called the “tercio de banderillas,” and involves the matador placing banderillas, or barbed sticks, into the bull’s back. The third stage is called the “tercio de muerte,” and involves the matador killing the bull with a sword.

The fights in the Festival Encabritados are intense and exciting. The matadors are constantly risking their lives, and the bulls are always trying to charge at them. The crowd is always on the edge of their seats, cheering on the matadors and booing the bulls.

### The Puerta Grande

The Puerta Grande is the main entrance to the Las Ventas bullring. It is considered to be a great honor for a matador to be awarded the Puerta Grande.

The Puerta Grande is only awarded to matadors who have performed exceptionally well in their fight. The matador must have killed the bull cleanly and quickly, and must have shown great skill and courage.

If a matador is awarded the Puerta Grande, they are carried out of the bullring on the shoulders of the crowd. It is a moment of great triumph for the matador, and is a sign of the respect and admiration of the crowd.

### How to Get Tickets

Tickets for the Festival Encabritados can be purchased online or at the Las Ventas bullring. Prices vary depending on the seat location.

If you are planning to attend the Festival Encabritados, it is important to book your tickets in advance. The festival is very popular, and tickets can sell out quickly.

### What to Wear

The dress code for the Festival Encabritados is smart casual. Men typically wear a suit or sport coat, while women wear a dress or skirt. It is important to dress respectfully, as the festival is a traditional event.

### What to Expect

The Festival Encabritados is a unique and unforgettable experience. The bullfights are intense and exciting, and the atmosphere in the bullring is electric.

If you are planning to attend the festival, be sure to arrive early to get a good seat. You should also be prepared for the crowds. The festival is very popular, and the bullring can be very crowded.

### Safety

The Festival Encabritados is a safe event. The bullring is well-secured, and there are plenty of security guards on hand. However, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and to take precautions to protect yourself from pickpockets.

### Conclusion

The Festival Encabritados is one of the most popular bullfighting events in Madrid. The festival features a series of bullfights, in which some of the most skilled bullfighters in the world compete for the coveted “Puerta Grande” award.

If you are planning a trip to Madrid, be sure to include the Festival Encabritados on your itinerary. The festival is a unique and unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories.