Joe Rogan and UFOs

Joe Rogan, a popular podcast host and comedian, has been outspoken about his belief in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. He has discussed the topic on his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, with a variety of guests, including scientists, researchers, and experiencers.

Rogan’s interest in UFOs began in childhood, when he saw a strange object flying in the sky. He has since had several experiences that he believes were encounters with extraterrestrial beings. In one instance, he claims to have seen a UFO hovering over his house.

Rogan’s belief in UFOs is not based solely on his own experiences. He has also studied the evidence for UFOs, including eyewitness accounts, radar data, and physical evidence. He believes that the evidence is overwhelming and that the government is covering up the truth about UFOs.

Rogan’s views on UFOs have been met with skepticism by some. However, he has also gained support from a growing number of people who share his belief that the government is hiding the truth about aliens and extraterrestrial life.

Rogan’s Guests on UFOs

Rogan has interviewed a wide range of guests on his podcast who have shared their experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrial life. These guests include:

  • Bob Lazar, a former physicist who claims to have worked on a reverse-engineered alien spacecraft
  • Jeremy Corbell, a filmmaker and UFO researcher
  • Travis Walton, a logger who claims to have been abducted by aliens
  • Linda Moulton Howe, a journalist who has investigated UFOs for decades
  • John Mack, a psychiatrist who studied people who claim to have had contact with aliens

Rogan’s guests have shared a variety of experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Some have seen UFOs, while others have been abducted or communicated with aliens. Rogan’s guests have also discussed the evidence for UFOs and the government’s alleged cover-up of the truth.

Rogan’s Impact on the UFO Phenomenon

Rogan’s discussions about UFOs on his podcast have had a significant impact on the UFO phenomenon. He has helped to raise awareness of the topic and has brought it to a wider audience. Rogan’s guests have also shared a wealth of information about UFOs and extraterrestrial life, which has helped to educate the public about the topic.

Rogan’s work has also helped to legitimize the UFO phenomenon. In the past, UFOs were often seen as a taboo topic, but Rogan’s discussions about the subject have helped to normalize it. As a result, more people are now willing to talk about their experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

Rogan’s work has also helped to put pressure on the government to release information about UFOs. In 2020, the Pentagon released a series of videos of UFOs that had been taken by Navy pilots. This release was seen as a major step forward in the UFO phenomenon, and it is likely that Rogan’s work played a role in bringing it about.


Joe Rogan is one of the most influential voices in the UFO phenomenon. His discussions about UFOs on his podcast have helped to raise awareness of the topic, bring it to a wider audience, and legitimize it. Rogan’s work has also helped to put pressure on the government to release information about UFOs. As a result of Rogan’s work, the UFO phenomenon is now more mainstream than ever before.