Karpur Gauram Status

Karpur Gauram Status

Karpur Gauram is a Hindu deity, worshipped as a manifestation of Vishnu. He is depicted as a fair-skinned man, dressed in white clothes, and holding a conch shell and a lotus flower. Karpur Gauram is said to be the lord of wealth and prosperity, and is often worshipped by those seeking financial success.

Karpur Gauram Mantra

The most popular mantra for Karpur Gauram is the following:

Om karpur gauram karunaavataraam namo namah

This mantra can be chanted 108 times daily, or as many times as possible. It is believed that chanting this mantra can bring about good luck, wealth, and prosperity.

Karpur Gauram Puja

Karpur Gauram puja is a simple ritual that can be performed at home. The following items are required for the puja:

  • An idol of Karpur Gauram
  • A white cloth
  • A plate of rice
  • A bowl of water
  • A ghee lamp
  • Flowers
  • Incense

The puja is performed as follows:

  1. Place the idol of Karpur Gauram on a white cloth.
  2. Offer rice, water, and ghee to the idol.
  3. Light the ghee lamp and incense.
  4. Offer flowers to the idol.
  5. Chant the Karpur Gauram mantra 108 times.
  6. Pray to Karpur Gauram for wealth and prosperity.

Benefits of Worshipping Karpur Gauram

There are many benefits to worshipping Karpur Gauram, including:

  • Increased wealth and prosperity
  • Improved financial stability
  • Success in business and career
  • Protection from financial loss
  • Good luck and fortune

If you are seeking financial success, worshipping Karpur Gauram is a great way to bring about positive change in your life.