Marostica Summer Festival: A Journey Back to the Middle Ages

Marostica Summer Festival

Every July, the picturesque town of Marostica, Italy, transforms itself into a
living medieval tapestry during the Marostica Summer Festival. This
unforgettable event is a unique opportunity to experience the culture and
history of the Middle Ages firsthand.

The Legend of the Two Knights

The festival commemorates a legendary duel that took place in Marostica in 1454.
According to the legend, two knights, Rinaldo d’Angarano and Vieri da Vallonara,
fell in love with the same woman, Lionora. To resolve their rivalry, they agreed to
fight a battle on horseback in the town’s main square. The winner would marry
Lionora, while the loser would leave town forever.

The Human Chess Match

The highlight of the festival is a human chess match that is held on the
square where the legendary duel took place. The game is played on a giant chessboard
with live chess pieces represented by local citizens dressed in medieval costumes.
The match is played according to the rules of 15th-century chess, and it can last for
several hours or even days.

Marostica Summer Festival

The human chess match is one of the highlights of the Marostica Summer Festival.

Other Festival Events

In addition to the human chess match, the Marostica Summer Festival also features
a variety of other events, including:

  • Medieval markets
  • Traditional music and dance performances
  • Jousting tournaments
  • Fireworks displays
  • Costumed parades

Tips for Attending the Festival

Here are a few tips for attending the Marostica Summer Festival:

  • Book your accommodation in advance, as the festival is very popular.
  • Arrive early to get a good spot for viewing the human chess match.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, as you will be doing a lot of walking.
  • Bring sunscreen and water to stay hydrated.
  • Learn a few basic phrases in Italian to enhance your experience.


The Marostica Summer Festival is a truly unique and unforgettable experience. It
is a chance to step back in time and experience the culture and history of the
Middle Ages firsthand. If you are planning a trip to Italy, be sure to add the
Marostica Summer Festival to your itinerary.