Ryan Holiday on Joe Rogan

Ryan Holiday on Joe Rogan

Ryan Holiday is a writer, author, and public speaker who has written books on stoicism, marketing, and strategy. He has been a guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast several times, and their conversations have covered a wide range of topics, including the nature of reality, the importance of self-control, and the power of meditation.

One of the most interesting episodes featuring Holiday is #1299, which was released in June 2019. In this episode, Rogan and Holiday discuss the importance of living in the present moment. They talk about how our minds are constantly preoccupied with the past and the future, and how this can lead to anxiety and unhappiness. Holiday emphasizes the importance of focusing on what we can control in the present moment, and letting go of the things that we cannot.

Another notable episode featuring Holiday is #1429, which was released in August 2020. In this episode, Rogan and Holiday discuss the importance of mental toughness. They talk about how we can develop mental toughness by exposing ourselves to challenges and adversity, and by practicing resilience. Holiday emphasizes the importance of not giving up on our goals, even when things get tough.

Ryan Holiday’s appearances on Joe Rogan’s podcast have been well-received by listeners. His insights into stoicism, self-control, and mental toughness have helped many people to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.


Ryan Holiday is a thought-provoking and inspiring speaker. His conversations with Joe Rogan have provided valuable insights into a wide range of topics, including the nature of reality, the importance of self-control, and the power of meditation. If you are interested in learning more about stoicism, mental toughness, or any of the other topics that Holiday discusses, I encourage you to listen to his episodes on the Joe Rogan podcast.